Take advantage of our professional banners to make your website stand out from the crowd. Please download the images and host on your own server, hotlinking will not work.
Keep in mind that a review and simple text link usually work better when compared to the banner ads. The images should always supplement the main content. These graphics can be extensively used in your website or blogs, articles, reviews, emails, and newsletters.
The professionally designed Banner Ads and eBook Covers help you to increase click through rates. It's an effective way to attract the potential customer.
Below are the Cold Sore Treatment™ book cover and banner ad images in a variety of sizes and styles to fit your needs.
1. Select the image that you'd like to use and right click to "save the image as" to your computer. Please do not hotlink.
2. Click on the images to enlarge them.
3. Upload the image to your server.
4. Add the image to your site with your affiliate link.
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