Have you ever come across a burning or tingling feeling on your lip after getting out of bed in the morning? Was it a blister on your lip? Are you aware of the fever blister?
If you want to know the answers of all the above questions then, you should read the below article.
A fever blister is an aching cold sore on the lip or around the mouth which is quite disturbing to see. But now there is no need to panic too much! In the below article we are going to provide you with some useful info about a blister on the lip along with a few home remedies to overcome the problem.
So, let’s begin!
What is a Blister on the Lip?
The blister on the lip is quite common, and it quickly spreads from one person other after coming in direct contact. The fever blisters are quite unattractive and uncomfortable, and they start getting swollen and red which ultimately grow scabs.
The primary cause of the fever blisters is herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection which might result in the single blister or an occurrence of numerous fever blisters in a long time. These blisters can cause aching sores which might become worse if your body has a weak immune system.
But you can limit the occurrence of these blisters on lips by improving your immune system with some lifestyle changes, healthy diet and following specific safety measures at the time of active breakouts.
It is true that technically the HSV is not a curable virus, but still, several natural remedies can decrease the occurrence of these fever blisters.
In reality, numerous people having the virus do not recognize any symptoms of the blister. But as soon as you know how to manage its outbreaks and trigger, it becomes easier for you to treat it.
What can Cause a Blister on your Lip?

As we have told you that the blister on lip caused due to the Herpes simplex which is characterized by reddening of the skin, irritation, and burning pain. Even though the fever blisters are harmless, but they are quite annoying.
HSV is infectious for individuals who are not previously caught by this virus and also for those who have a weakened immune system owing to HIV infection or treatment of chemotherapy.
The primary infection of herpes simplex generally occurs before the age of 20. The antibodies that function against this virus are present in around 80 % of the young people.
Subsequently the primary infection, the virus becomes inactive in the immune system of a person for the lifetime. But, stimuli, like menstruation, fever, stress, sunlight, and upper respirational infections might make the virus to reoccurrence.
What are the Symptoms of Fever Blisters?
The fever blisters also categorized as the cold sores due to its symptoms. The early signs of the blister on the lip might consist of pain or tingling sensation nearby the affected body part, occasionally accompanied by high body temperature, swollen glands or a sore throat.
In a period of 1 or 2 days, you can see the growth of a cluster or blister that is tiny and filled with fluid. As soon as they are fully developed, fever blisters might emit the fluid and ultimately create a layer on the skin till the time it make a scab. You should not try to scratch it with anything.
The leading cause of the fever blister is herpes simplex virus (HSV) that is latent in suffering people. However, HSV might trigger by conditions like exposure to sunlight, anxiety, fever, strain and hormonal changes. Once lesions recur, they probably form in a single anatomic site or at distant locations.
How Long Does a Fever Blister Last?
The fever blister can last for around 10 to 14 days. They generally occur in clusters and result in swollen, red, and painful sores. They usually happen nearby the different face areas or mouth; however, they might also occur on the gums or tongue.
The blister on lips might discharge a clear watery substance which scabs after some days. In the course of this period, fever blisters are maximum infectious. But, the virus responsible for the fever blisters might stay to be infectious without any visible blisters.
There are over 90 % of the adult people in the whole world that are infected by one of the forms of HSV virus, i.e., HSV-1 or HSV-2.
The medicated drugs do not provide you long-term results in case of fever blisters, and thus, we always recommend the use of at-home natural remedies.
It is quite essential to understand that if the fever blister is detected earlier then, you can cure it quickly with the help of some useful and effective natural remedies.
What Upsurges your Risk for Fever Blisters?

The outbreak of the blister on lip might be a sign of an immune disorder or poor nutrition. It might accompany other medical diseases that harm your health.
Below are a few conditions that can increase the risk of the fever blister outbreaks in the people:
- Autoimmune disease
- Weakened immune systems
- HIV (human immunodeficiency virus)
- Cancer
- Eczema
- Severe burns
In some more severe circumstances, the virus may infect the brain, eyes, and hands. Thus, the moment you see the blisters on your different body parts, it’s essential that you see a physician. There are few infections like shingles that look same and usually need a different treatment option.
Tips for Preventing the Fever Blisters
When you get affected by the blister on the lip, the doctors usually ask you to consume antiviral medication regularly for avoiding the fever blisters. He also advises using antiviral medicine while getting exposed to too many sun rays or anxiety.
You can apply a balm on the lips that comprises a sunscreen while moving out in the sun. It’s better if you can avoid getting too much exposure to the sun.
If you want to stop the spreading of the virus to the other body parts then, do the following things:
- Hand hygiene: Properly wash the hands after touching any body part that is itching, tingling, having blisters or burning sensation. It is particularly essential to do it after you apply anything over the blisters or if there is draining in the blisters.
- Do not touch your genitals or eyes after touching the part nearby the fever blisters.

If you want to stop the spreading of the virus of fever blisters to other people then, follow the below things:
- Do not indulge in unsafe or unprotected sex including foreplay, kissing and sexual relationship when you are suffering from the blister on a lip. The HSV which causes blisters can spread to the genitals of your partner at the time of oral sex.
- The HSV can also if you are not having the symptoms of fever blisters. Thus, you might use the polyurethane or latex condoms at time of anal sex, oral sex or the foreplay.
- Do not share the washcloths, soaps, cosmetics (particularly lipstick or lip balm), and utensils used for drinking water and eating food.
If you want to keep yourself safe from somebody’s virus of fever blisters then, do the following things:
- While taking care of a person who is already suffering from the fever blisters, do not touch the blisters straightaway. In fact, at the time of using the medicine, wear gloves in your hands.
- Do not touch or kiss the person suffering from the blisters on the lip.
- Do not share the towels, soap, food items, cosmetics, and drinking utensils with somebody who is having fever blisters.
Final Thoughts – How to Get Rid of a Fever Blister on Lips:
Unluckily, there is no treatment for fever blisters. However, when your fever blister is in its growing phase, you might treat its some symptoms. There are numerous topical creams you can find on the market which can benefit you in getting relief from the pain, and some natural home remedies for fever blisters also exist that reduce the blister’s life.
You can use the zinc therapy (formulations of topical zinc) that are found to be useful for the cure of fever blisters as well as for reduction of herpes. The deficiency of zinc can upsurge your possibility of developing a blister on the lip.
Thus, increase your zinc consumption with foods like chickpeas, grass-fed beef, cashews, yoghurt, pumpkin seeds, turkey, chicken, eggs, mushrooms, and salmon.
Moreover, the Vitamin E relaxes our skin that might help in pain relieving and uneasiness from the blisters on the lip. It is also an antioxidant which decreases soreness and repairs the damaged skin. You can take it in the form if oral capsules or through the foods like spinach, almonds, sweet potatoes, sunflower seeds, avocados, and olive oil.
If you are healthy enough and also have a good immune system then, there are quite fewer chances of the outbreak of blister on the lip.